tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 13 17:37:26 1996

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Re: Stardates


>Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 12:47:20 -0800
>From: Jimmy <[email protected]>
>At 10:16 AM 11/13/96 -0800, you wrote:
>>>Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 20:14:52 -0800
>>>From: Jimmy <[email protected]>
>>>                                       charghwI'
>>>                                      (I hope I can use this for the
>>>supplanter, since this is the                                        closest
>>>thing in tlhigan-Hol)
>>Hoo boy.  Don't.  Will Martin has been going by the name "charghwI'" here
>>for years, to the extent that some recognize that name more readily than
>>the one on his driver's license.  That kind of confusion we can do without
>>if possible. :)
>>So what is your suggestion? (If possible, I'll use Klingon gradually more
>and more until all I write here in is tlhingan-Hol.) On a side note, how is
>that pronouced(tlhingan)? On ST 5:The Final Frontier it isn't pronounced
>like it looks.

My suggestion?  Use a name other than charghwI'.  Pick something you like
the sound of, etc.  charghwI' is taken; bummer (well, the *name*; as for
the *person*, well, you'll have to negotiate with him).  So find something
else.  It's YOUR name and YOUR choice and YOUR taste.  Find a collection of
syllables you like, if that works for you.  It doesn't have to mean
anything (I sometimes go by Seqram, which doesn't mean anything
significant, even though its elements are translatable.  It's just a
Klingon spelling of "Mark S." spelled backwards).  Klingon names we know
from the shows don't always mean things (mara, torgh, qeylIS, valQIs,
etc).  If you want something meaningful for "supplanter"...? Um, "nIHwI'"
is "thief"; a supplanter can be said to have stolen authority.  "qa'meH" is
a fossilized noun meaning "replacement"; a supplanter replaces the previous
ruler. "cho'wI'" is "successor", but a supplanter succeeds despite not
being the proper successor.  Use your imagination.

The word "tlhIngan"'s proonunciation can be gleaned from the book's
descriptions and the those at, but can
best be heard on Okrand's tapes.  There's a several-year-old sound-file of
me saying "tlhIngan Hol Daghojrupchugh, HIja'! qaboQqang. majQa'!" at if that helps.


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