tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 12 17:44:40 1996

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Re: qutluch

>After looking at  TKW pg 102 I find that the knife in question is not the
>same as the ones used in other areas of ST:TNG, ST:DS9.   The qutluch is
>smaller and has a less pronounced diamond shaped blade, and the prongs are
>smaller.  Thus the qutluch and d'q tagh are separate weapons.  After
>handling both of these I can tell you that their uses would have to be
>different.  the qutluch is smaller and lighter and would have to be stuck
>in between weaknesses in Klingon armor.  Hence its use by Klingon
>Now before anyone flies off the handle here and say that no Klingon would
>do such a thing, remember that all cultures have within them the fringe
>groups that do things in ways that are not accepted by the norm.  For
>example Japanese Samurai and Ninja, both grew up in the same culture but
>developed different methods and ideologies.

Actualy, the qutluch resembles a kris, with a long curvy double-edged blade.
       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   vogh bIjaHchugh, pa' SoH
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