tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 12 17:17:46 1996

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RE: KLBC: Quick question

jatlh HurghwI':

>  If you have a word like lo'laH and you want to make it "to be able to be
>  vauluable," are you allowed to use lo'laHlaH? [ . . .] Basically I'm 
wondering if >  some of the words in
>  the dictionary really have suffixes or just appear to.

Didn't we just go through this conversation somewhere else?  :)

The answer is: we're not sure.  Except possibly for the words {ja'chuq} and 
{lo'laH}, I'd say that the words listed with suffixes are just that: suffixes 
added by Okrand to demonstrate how they work.  For example, Okrand probably 
added {poS} "be open" to the dictionary, and then thought that someone might 
want to say "open something."  Therefore, he added {poSmoH} "cause to be 
open," which is just {poS} with a suffix, so that this usage of the word would 
be clear.

I don't have proof, of course, but it does seem the most likely explanation.

Stardate 96867.7

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