tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 12 17:17:45 1996

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RE: KLBC: A few sentences to check out

jatlh Eric Yarnell:

>  Here are my first two pathetic attempts at tlhIngan, could you correct them
>  please?

rejmorgh yIDaQo'!
Don't be a worrywort!  :)

>         mu'tlheghvam ghItlh 'ej 'oH lugh'a'? (Is this sentence written
>  correctly?)

There is a Type 6 verb suffix, {-chu'}, which means "done perfectly, exactly." 
 Since you're asking whether you have written the sentence correctly, or 
perfectly, you can say

mu'tlheghvam vIghItlhchu''a'
Did I write this sentence perfectly?

>          chay' help Dajatlh? (How do you say help?)
>          chay' help DaghItlh? (How do you write help?)

These are good, except that you should always mark English words so that you 
can tell them apart from Klingon words (I know it looks easy, but it becomes 
important when you start trying to look up words which aren't Klingon . . .)

chay' "help" Dajatlh?
chay' "help" DaghItlh?

(There's also a bit of theory which suggests that "help" isn't the object of 
{jatlh}, but you really don't have to worry about that just now.)

By the way, the Klingon word for "help" (which you surely can look up), is 

How do *I* say "help"?  Or do you mean, how does *someone* say "help"?  If you 
don't have a specific subject in mind, you can use the {-lu'} suffix (see TKD 
pp. 38-39).

chay' "help" jatlhlu'?
chay' "help" ghItlhlu'?

See?  Hope that helps!

Stardate 96867.7

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