tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 11 18:49:06 1996

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RE: KLBC Stating the subject and verb prefixes; use of KLBC

jatlh Eric Yarnell:

>  I am a little unclear after reading _The Klingon Dictionary_.  I believe
>  that the proper verb prefix must be used (in High Klingon) at all times.  I
>  just want to be sure this is true even if the exact subject is stated.

Yes, the correct verb prefix must *always* be added.

>  For example, would
>  puq legh jIH
>  be correct, or must it be
>  puq vIlegh jIH

{puq vIlegh jIH} is correct.  Of course, you have the option of leaving out 
the {jIH} entirely, saying just {puq vIlegh}.  Since {vI-} always means the 
subject is "I", you don't need to specify.

>  My second question is regarding the use of KLBC in the subject line.  Could
>  someone please explain this in a bit more detail?  Should I have used KLBC
>  in this message's subject line?

KLBC means that I, the Beginners' Grammarian, am alerted to the fact that this 
letter needs my attention.  It also means that other beginners may find the 
topic or grammar discussed helpful.  I've added KLBC to the subject of this 

Further, only the BG should answer beginners' questions.  Once I've gotten to 
answering it, please do add your own comments.  This system is here so that 
the beginner can ask a question and get a definitive (well, usually right) 
answer before possibly being confused by contradicting advice.

batlh thIngan Hol Daghojjaj!

Stardate 96865.5

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