tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 10 21:06:15 1996

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Re: KLBC: Let's try again...

jatlh SuStel:
> Your version is "d'ktahg.  Klingon warrior's knife of tradition."

I was actually trying to say, "The d'k tahg is the Klingon warrior's 
knife of tradition," but forgot when I back-translated.  In any case, I 
see your point.  I'm still too literal.  Like I said the first time, it's 
hard to think like a Klingon!

> In Klingon, you've got to break your sentence up into manageable parts. 
> It's not that it *must* be done, but the grammar just doesn't like to  
> be twisted out of proportion like that.

Point taken and understood clearly.

> I can certainly see {may'Hom} as referring to a battle on the scale of 
> a hand-to-hand combat.

I was unsure if that would work; I'm glad it did.

> {tay law'vaD lo'lu'}  "One uses it for many ceremonies."  You were     
> obviously unaware of the word {tay} which is in the Addendum of TKD.

{qayajchu'}... I have the *old* blue TKD with the embossed BoP and 
everything.  I'm about to get the new one ASAP, though.

> mIqIraH is a cool name.  batlh DawIvpu'!

qatlho'!  (Is this canon?  I've seen it used here before, and I know it 
comes from "K'adlo" used in TNG.  {qa-}=I-you yields {tlho'}=thank, so it 
seems to fit the grammar O.K... was it in the Addendum?  If not, thanks 
in {DIvI' Hol}!)


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