tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 09 20:34:48 1996

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Re: Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"

 ::>> I am beginning an attempt at translating Sun Tzu's "The Art of
 ::>> War" into <<tlhIngan Hol>>.  Samuel Griffith, whose translation

T::>Yow.  I hope you're not biting off too much.  But it looks like you're
 ::>starting small with it, and that's good.

 I realized that any book like this might turn out to be a big
 job; that's one of the reasons I chose Sun Tzu rather than
 Machiavelli - Sun Tzu was broken up naturally into "bite-sized"
 chunks, which I could pick and choose from, and work my way up.
 I also decided to eliminate the commentary by Griffith and
 later generals; that cut down the size of the job as well.

T::>> Griffith:
 ::>> War is a matter of vital importance to the State; the province
 ::>> of life or death; the road to survival or ruin. It is mandatory
 ::>> that it be thoroughly studied.
 ::>> <<tlhIngan Hol>>:
 ::>> veS SaHqu' wo'. yIn Hegh je SaH veS 'ej tlhab je QIH SaH.
 ::>> yIHaghqu'!
 ::>> Back-translation:
 ::>> The empire is very concerned with war.  War is concerned with
 ::>> life and death, and it is concerned with freedom and
 ::>> destruction. Study it well!

T::>SaH is a pretty good verb at least for the first sentence, but you might
 ::>want to consider "qel" as well for some of the other sentences; it may work
 ::>well.  Hrm, is *either* any good for what war does to life and death?  I
 ::>tend to think of "qel" as "deal with" which would make it okay, but that's
 ::>not what the dictionary says.  You might also look at "potlh" and other

 Yes, janSiy wrote me privately and mentioned a couple of
 alternatives.  He (she?) felt that <<SaH>> was weak for all of
 them, and recommended <<potlh>> for the first sentence - making
 it <<wo'vaD potlhqu' veS>>, "War is very important to the
 empire".  The biggest problem I see with the big compound
 sentence is that almost any verb I choose will be
 "anthropomorphising" war to some extent.  Without some severe
 convincing, I think I'll follow janSiy's suggestion, and go
 with <<wuq>>.

T::>I thought you misused "tlhab", but you're right: it is a noun also.  But
 ::>the conjunction "je" should come *after* QIH and not between the nouns.

 Yes, I spotted this one myself.

T::>"Hagh" is "laugh"; you meant "HaD."  That's an unfortunate typo. :)

 Yes, and it's one that is replicated from p48 of TKD (the
 second edition - white cover, with the addendum).  I was looking
 up the prefixes and suffixes I wanted for a verb I hadn't
 looked up yet, so I was reading the appropriate section - and
 found an example that purported to say exactly what I was
 looking for, so I lifted it without checking the glossary in
 the back...

 Anyway, the revised translation now reads: <<wo'vaD potlhqu'
 veS. yIn Hegh je wuq veS 'ej tlhab QIH je wuq. yIHaDqu'.>>

 (I can just see someone issuing the command: "Laugh hard at
 it!")  {{:)

Jeff Zeitlin                                      [email protected]
 � OLXWin 1.00b � Reality crept in.  I nailed it for tresspassing.

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