tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 07 14:31:13 1996

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KLBC: How's this?

I�ve been here for a few months now, but I�ve never really tried any
*serious* {tlhIngan Hol} writing.  So, here is an attempt... I think
there are some very grievous errors in sentance number three.  I included 
what I was trying to say (approximate English) and how I tried to say it 
(literal English).

tlhIngan Hol:

naDevDaq jaHtaH pagh!  wa'DIch, mu'meywIj Dayaj'a'?  chu'wI'mo' jIH,
tlhIngan vIQub 'ej pab je mu'tay' vInej QatlhtaH 'e' qaja'laHchu'.
DI'vI' Hol ngeDlaw'!

Approximate English:

Here goes nothing!  First, can you understand what I�m saying?  As a
beginner, I can definately tell you that it is hard to think like a
Klingon and look up grammar and vocabulary.  English seems easy!

Literal English:

Here goes nothing!  First, can you understand my words?  Because I am a
starter, I can tell you clearly that it is hard to think like a Klingon
and look for grammar and vocabulary.  Federation language is easy,

-McReynolds; trying to think of a Klingon name... my first name means
�little king.�  Maybe {che'wI'Hom}?  There is no word for king in my TKD,
and {ta'Hom}, {voDleHHom}, and {HI'Hom} all sound silly.  Actually,
anything followed by {-Hom} sounds weak!  {{:-(  Any ideas?

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