tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 07 14:10:12 1996

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Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"

 I am beginning an attempt at translating Sun Tzu's "The Art of
 War" into <<tlhIngan Hol>>.  Samuel Griffith, whose translation
 from the Chinese I am using, uses somewhat formal phrasing
 which seems not to translate into <<tlhIngan Hol>> easily, so I
 am finding it necessary to re-cast.  Below is Griffith's
 translation from the Chinese, then mine into <<tlhIngan Hol>>,
 then my back-translation from <<tlhIngan Hol>> to English.  I
 would appreciate comments and critique.  This is the first
 "verse" of "Estimates" (which I have rendered as <<veS bochov>>
 - You Assess War).


 War is a matter of vital importance to the State; the province
 of life or death; the road to survival or ruin. It is mandatory
 that it be thoroughly studied.

 <<tlhIngan Hol>>:

 veS SaHqu' wo'. yIn Hegh je SaH veS 'ej tlhab je QIH SaH.


 The empire is very concerned with war.  War is concerned with
 life and death, and it is concerned with freedom and
 destruction. Study it well!

Jeff Zeitlin                                      [email protected]
 � OLXWin 1.00b � If money talks, Being a SysOp is pretty quiet!

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