tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 06 09:08:32 1996

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Re: The song that Toq sang on ST:TNG Episode

>Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 13:47:37 -0800
>From: Susan Farmer <[email protected]>
>I have the script with the lyrics in it.  It also has some of the paramount
>translation in it.  The song bears *no* rsemblance to any Hol living or
>dead, but her it is:

Interesting.  It *does* bear relation to Hol... at least, to words.  There
are too many familiar-looking words (modulo misreadings, typos, l/I
interchanges, etc) to be coincidence.  It must have been written with at
least one eye on TKD.  But the meanings of the words seem to have no
bearing whatsoever on the meanings they should have in context.  It looks
to me like someone decided to make things at least a LITTLE more
"authentic-looking" by randomly choosing words out of TKD to fill out the
lines.  That may be better than randomly choosing words out of the
air... but I'm not positive it is.


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