tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 05 13:45:49 1996

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Re: The song that Toq sang on ST:TNG Episode

I have the script with the lyrics in it.  It also has some of the paramount
translation in it.  The song bears *no* rsemblance to any Hol living or
dead, but her it is:

     Birthright - Ba'el, Gi'ral, L'Kor, ToQ
           rite of MajQa in the lava caves on No'mat
           van'aj javDIch Qong DIr Sa'VIch
                     ghIH yot quelI'Pa qevas HoH Qa
           teblaw'nghu mughato'Du
                     ylja'Qo' ylja'Qo' ylja'Qo'
           ghoS                (come)
           vang ghaH           (take him)
     Birthright II - Ba'el, Gi'ral, L'Kor, ToQ, Turla, Ba'ktor
           Gin'tak spear
           bagh Da tuHmoh
           ChojaH duh rHo
           ylja'Qo'  ylja'Qo'  ylja'Qo'
           van'aj javDIch Qong DIr Sa'VIch
                     ghIH yot quelI'Pa qevas HoH Qa
           Mok'bara - tai chi
           D'k tahg - ceremonial dagger
           Jinaq - amulet given to daughter of mating age
           Qa'vak - game with the hoop
           Bagh Da tuHmoh (fire streaks the heavens)
                     ChojaH Duh rHo (battle has begun)
                     ylja'Qo'  ylja'Qo'  ylja'Qo'
           van'aj javDIch Qong DIr Sa'VIch
           ghIh yot quelI'Pa qevas HoH Qa
           teblaw'nghu mughato'Du
                     ylja'Qo  ylja'Qo  ylja'Qo     [note no' on terminal Qo]
           Ki'tow              (stop)

And that is all of the Klingon from the script.

[email protected]

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