tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 05 15:33:33 1996

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Stardates and "jatlh"s

Since there seem to be a few able programmers on this list, I was wondering
a couple things. First, is there any way to automatically "hack" Eudora so
that it will use the "jatlh <name>" instead of the regular name and
timestamp? Also, is there anyway to configure the sig to add the stardate
automatically? I realize this isn't quite on topic, so please reply to my
address at ([email protected]). TIA.

-Adrian K (aka HurghwI') {{:-)}

             ( o o )
|--------oOOo--( )--oOOo----------| "tlhutlhmeH HIq ngeb qaq
|  |  law' bIQ qaq puS."
|[email protected]________|      -Marc Okrand

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