tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 03 17:06:54 1996

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RE: KLBC: Qochmeychaj tlhInganpu'

jatlh HurghwI':

>  Savan Hoch:
>  qatlh pIm Quchmeyqu' tu'lu' 'e' jIbuSpu'. 

Hmmm . . . Well, {Quch} can either be a noun meaning "forehead" or a verb 
meaning "be happy."  However, you've got both a noun suffix {-mey} and a verb 
suffix {-qu'} on it.  Which is it?  At this stage, you should probably include 
an English version of what you meant when you write in KLBC.

You've got a verb {pIm} "be different" and the verb {tu'} being used as the 
construction {tu'lu'} "there is/there are."  You've also got an {'e'} 
sentence.  Maybe you should resend this message (including the Klingon again; 
I'd rather not have to search around for this letter in my "deleted" folder) 
with your intended English meaning.

>  Quchchajmo' tlhInganpu' luwavlu' 'e' DabuS'a'?

This means "Do you focus on the fact that one divides Klingons because of 
their foreheads?"  Is this what you intended to say?

>  qechmey lughajlu''a'?

This means "Does one have any ideas?"  I suppose you're trying to say "Does 
anyone have any ideas?"  It works, I suppose, although in this case I would 
rather specify the "someone" with {vay'} as a subject rather than use the 
suffix {-lu'}.  Your sentence is more like "Are any ideas had?" than "Does 
someone have any ideas?"

As far as I can tell, you're asking why people are talking about Klingon 
foreheads.  Is this correct?  Please resend this, with both the Klingon and 
the English.

Stardate 96843.1

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