tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 03 06:47:41 1996

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RE: Workhorse


> I find that I must apologize.  This pseudo-word isn't Joel's fault;
> it seems d'Armond is to blame.  (Boy, is *my* face red.)

DopDaq qul yIchenmoH QobDI' ghu'.

>  And to
> further embarass myself, I think *I* am the only one to have used
> {*'ervum} on the list previously (although I *did* mark it as an
> "unreal" word on that occasion).

This had to have happened in 1993; when did you come to the list, Alan?  I 
didn't think it was that long ago!

> PS: We see here yet another example of why it's important to keep
> track of where the words you're using come from.  If you don't know
> what the source is, you can't be sure there *is* a valid source!

Okay, here's the story.  I started writing the /pojwI'/ program soon after 
I came into this mailing list, in late 1992.  My sole purpose was to have a 
tool for my own use, which I could use to help me read the messages which 
were written in Klingon.  So, I added words to the lexicon that were used 
on the list.  This is most evident with names, like /Qanqor/ which you will 
still find in copies of the /pojwI'/.

This would be fine (for my purposes), but you see, this was in my early 
days of learning the language, and I had not yet had the mantra firmly 
drilled into my thick skull that one doesn't add to the lexicon, and 
probably wouldn't have completely understood the ill-formedness of a N-V 
compound like /'ervum/.  And so, it appeared on the list, and it found its 
way into my program.

Only after that, did I make this program available.  And, in earlier 
versions, there's no way to annotate vocabulary, to identify the source. 
 In current versions, there's no word */'ervum/ listed, and one can 
annotate the source of words.  But I'm afraid the damage is done.

I've offered up two replacement proverbs so far, but for this large an 
offense, here's a third.

reH Suvrup SuvwI''a'.

> -- ghunchu'wI'


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