tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 14 17:16:21 1996

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New Cannon via "Sons of Mogh"

I recorded the latest DS9 "Sons of Mogh". that was filled with 
new Klingon cannon. I had my closed caption on so i could get the 
spelling right.

Here they are:

'e'cha  = Dax says this to Worf at the end of a flirtatious batlh'etlh lessons. 
                Sounds WAYYY too much like "Gotcha" which would have been
                 appropriate . Meaning uncertain.

Movek = Worfs reply to Dax. meaning uncertain.

mouk-to-vor = a Klingon ritual murder to replace lost honor 
                                done by one family member to another.

adanji = a type of incence used in the mauk-to-vor ritual.

mavek = a ritual dagger used in mouk-to-vor.

Drovana = the name of a Klingon vessel.

Korinar = The name of a Klingon vessel.

noggra = a proper name

rodek = a proper name

koruts (plural) = some sort of epithet used by Kurn.

Hope it helps.

                       David Barron  [email protected] 
        Klingon Language Postal Course,   PO Box 37, Eagle ID 83616   
              It's FREE! Send Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope.           
                     Not available by E-mail, so dont ask.

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