tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 08 19:12:55 1996

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Re: steel-toed boot

maSqa' writes:
>I'm trying to describe myfavorite pair of boots. I'm trying to figure out
>how best to convey the concept of a steel toe. Do any of the following sound
>good? Is my grammar okay?
>baS Qanbogh DaS'e'   a boot which metal protects

No, you have it backwards.  This says "a boot which protects metal".

>baS DaS   a metal boot

I'd rather avoid trying to stretch the noun-noun construction this far.
"A boot of metal" is short for "a boot which is made of metal", and I
don't think that's what you want to describe anyway.

>baS yoDbogh DaS'e'   a boot which metal shields

Again, the topic suffix makes this "A boot which shields metal."

Think closely about what you're trying to describe.  You want to talk
about the metal at the front of the boot which protects toes, right?
It doesn't protect the boot; it's *part of* the boot.

yaD Qanbogh baS'e' ghaj DaSlIj DamaSchu'bogh.
DaSmey 'etDaq yaDyoDvam tu'lu'.
Ha'DIbaH DIr neH 'oH DaS 'o''e', qar'a'?

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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