tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 07 18:50:40 1996

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Re: KLBC: vInIDqa' (Re: KLBC: HIboQqa')

ghItlh Soqra'tIS:
>Eccl. 12:8  lo'lahbe'!  lo'lahbe'! ghojmoHwI' jatlh. Hoch'e' lo'lahbe'.

vI'olqangbej 'ach vI'olHa'nIS.

The big problem is that your word order is incorrect.  A sentence's
subject must *follow* the verb.
"The teacher spoke" should be {jatlh ghojmoHwI'}.
"*All* is worthless" should be {lo'laHbe' Hoch'e'}.

The small problem is that you miscapitalized {H} three times. :-)

I also have a nagging suspicion that "preacher" and "teacher" are
two different concepts in Klingon.  To "preach" is more a matter of
delivering a sermon than causing a student to learn.  Remember that
the root word of "teacher" in Klingon is actually {ghoj} "learn".
I would say {jatlhwI'}, or {jatlhwI''a'}, or maybe {jatlhchu'wI'},
depending on my opinion of the speaker.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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