tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 30 21:37:23 1996

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December 30, 1996 8:11 PM, jatlh Edy Fonseca:

> I want to say: "You need speak klingon with him"
> "tlhingan Hol DajatlhnIS" is correct? And about   "tlhIngan Hol ghaHvaD 
> bIjatlhnIS".  Problems with direct and indirect object.

{tlhIngan Hol DajatlhnIS} is "You need to speak Klingon."  To get the "with 
him" part, you use {-vaD} (as you do later), to indicate that "he" is the 
beneficiary of your act of speaking Klingon.  {-vaD} always comes before the 
object noun, or before the verb if there is no object noun.  {ghaHvaD tlhIngan 
Hol DajatlhnIS}.

You almost had it in your second sentence, but for two problems.  First, you 
put the {-vaD} noun *after* the object, and not before, and second, you used 
the wrong prefix.  Since the object, {tlhIngan Hol} qualifies as an "it," you 
need to keep the {Da-} suffix.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96999.9

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