tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 19 12:32:02 1996

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RE:Elbow Strike

jatlh Andrew 'Ska':
>> Next mup is the verb strike.  I need it to become a noun strike would
>> mupghach work?
>	Because I'm curious, I'll ask whoever will answer: is this a case
>of turning an English prase into a sentence?  I somehow doubt that "bent
>arm strike" can be phrased in Klingon.  What about:
>	<DeS SIHta' mup>
>	he/she/it strikes the bent arm

I believe the point is to strike _with_ the bent arm, not at it. It seems to
me that SIH is probably transitive, or Okrand would have glossed it as "be
bent, bend." However, {mup} looks intransitive because it means "impact."
This said, one can always use {-moH} if not sure. If I were forced to
translate this, I would use a command as well, but slightly different.
DeSlIj yISIHmoH, 'ej yIqIp!  OR
DeSlIj yISIHmoH, 'ej bIqIpmeH 'oH yIlo'!

This brings something which I have not seen discussed . . . how do you
"clip" something? Could I use "DeS SIHmoH, qIp!" or what?

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