tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 17 21:53:16 1996

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RE: latlh latlhmey joq

December 17, 1996 10:39 PM, jatlh SuSvaj:

> I have been wondering about how to say "others".  TKD gives *latlh* as
> meaning "additional one/ another one".  However, in ST V, after Vixis
> informs Captain Klaa that *tlhIngan ghaH wa' vub'e' *, "One of the hostages
> is Klingon."  Klaa responds with what sounds like *latlh?*.  The subtitles
> translate this as "And the others?".  This led me to think that, depending
> on the context, *latlh* could be singular or plural.  Ex:
> 			latlh tlhIngan  "Another Klingon"
> 			latlh tlhInanpu'  "Other Klingons"
> Opinions?

Remember that nouns in Klingon don't necessarily have to have a plural suffix 
to be plural.  {latlh} means "another," but it also means "more than one 
other."  This could also be written as {latlhpu'}.

As far as your sentences above go, we do not have any proof that you can use 
it like Hoch (although this would not surprise me at all).  That is, we don't 
know that it can modify another noun.

When Klaa says {latlh?}, he is saying "The others?"  Thus, the subtitle is 

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96964.4

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