tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 17 21:38:41 1996

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Re: latlh latlhmey joq

ja' SuSvaj:
>I have been wondering about how to say "others".  TKD gives *latlh* as
>meaning "additional one/ another one".  However, in ST V, after Vixis
>informs Captain Klaa that *tlhIngan ghaH wa' vub'e' *, "One of the hostages
>is Klingon."  Klaa responds with what sounds like *latlh?*.  The subtitles
>translate this as "And the others?".  This led me to think that, depending
>on the context, *latlh* could be singular or plural.

That's true of nearly all nouns in Klingon.  The plural marker is
optional, with the possible exception of phrases with {Hoch} where
it might mean the difference between "all" and "each".

I don't like trying to use {latlh} to say "another [something]".
That would make it act like an adjectival verb, and it probably
would have to follow the noun.  But that's the kind of argument
that extends the grammar past what we know, and could easily be
completely wrong, as a noun-following {Hoch} turned out to be.

I just use {latlh} to mean "another one" or "additional one".
There haven't been any times yet that I've been unable to say
what I want.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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