tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 17 08:03:40 1996

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parmaq (par'mach) - oh, it *IS* canon, eh?

joel anderson writes:
>Or, as I said back on 10/21:
> Par'Mach is a Canonical word. Period.

I offer you congratulations, a minor correction, and a stern warning
not to get cocky.

There's are several distinct differences between charghwI''s recasting
of "which" questions as commands and your earlier insistence that
"Par'Mach" or *{parmach} is the canonically correct noun for "love".

I think the most important difference is that {nuH yIwIv} uses correct
grammar and vocabulary, and always has, and has always had a meaning 
which can be understood.  Back in October, *{parmach} was not listed 
anywhere, and only people who happened to catch the DS9 episode or who
were following this group would have any idea what it meant.

The other, more obvious, difference is that the tlhIngan Hol spelling
turns out to be {parmaq}, not *{parmach}.  That's how it's pronounced,
after all.

The subtle difference is that while we don't quite know exactly what
the term {parmaq} refers to, we do know it's *not* exactly the same
thing as "love".

-- ghunchu'wI'

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