tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 04:12:48 1996

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Re: Dr. Okarnd Speaks -- lengthy

ja' Qov:
>}The end of the sentence is fine.  The correct way to say
>}"Do you think that...?" is ... 'e' DaQub'a'? ('e' is
>}"that," referring to something that precedes it in the
>}sentence or in the discussion; DaQub'a' is "do you think
>Lookie lookie: Qub is transitive.

Since the introduction of {'e'} in the dictionary says that it is
primarily used with verbs of thinking or observation, I have always
believed that {Qub} is appropriate as the second verb in a Sentence-
as-object construction.  I never gave it much thought.

The thing that troubles me is that he didn't go on to say anything
about how to express "I think that..." using the verb suffix {-law'}.

>}...Question words (in this case, nuq
>}"what?") function the same way pronouns do in questions
>}with "to be" in the English translations.
>Hmmm.  nuq functions as a pronoun.  I would have demanded the construction
>nuq 'oH yIH'e' in unclipped speech.

More disturbing, how inclusive is the phrase "question words" here?
Does {nuqDaq} work this way too?  *{yuch nuqDaq?}  How about others?
*{'uQ ghorgh?}  *{DeSlIj chay'?}

-- ghunchu'wI'

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