tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 13 14:42:48 1996

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RE: KLBC:u'Dam

December 12, 1996 8:59 AM, jatlh loDDoq:

> jatlh SuStel,
> vIQaQ pong'a' *u'Dam*?
> is u'Dam good as a name?

*I* didn't write this, so why are you attributing it to me?  Why'd you say 
{jatlh SuStel}?

I really don't know how to put together the above sentence.  "I good it does 
it call {u'Dam}."  Please remember Klingon sentence structure.  Please also 
use the correct verb prefix.  {vIQaQ} "I good it" doesn't mean anything to me 
at all.

"Is {u'Dam} a good name" would probably best be rendered as

pong QaQ 'oH'a' <u'Dam>?

Here, {QaQ} is being used as an adjective.  Stative verbs can do this.

DaH jIjang:

ghobe'.  vIpar.  "Adam" rurbe'.  mu'vam taghlu'DI', <'> tu'lu'be'.  <loDDoq> 
No.  I don't like it.  It doesn't sound like "Adam."  There's no glottal stop 
at the beginning of the word.  You don't like {loDDoq}?

> Qapla' ngo' jup,

"Old success friend"?  Oh, I'll bet you meant "Success, old friend."  Well, 
the "old friend" doesn't translate literally into Klingon.  The best bet would 
be {jupoy} ({jup} with the {-oy} suffix attached to it), but I won't guarantee 
how Klingons will react to you using it on them!

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96952.5

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