tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 09 13:14:55 1996

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Re: Still wondering about botjan

12/9/96 ghItlh SuSvaj:
>I did not intend to limit my earlier question about the use of *botjan*
>only to the grammarians.  I would apreciate any insight my fellow warriors
>could provide.  The question, again is whether botjan refers only to a
>starships shields, or is it also plural for the hand held shield?

Marc Okrand in the KCD audio says that botjan refers to the shields of a
ship, not a physical shield such as a warrior might carry into combat. For
that you would use *yoD*. botjan can be derived from bot "prevent, block,
prohibit" + jan "device, model" and probably refers to the "shield
generator" itself, since it is activated: cf. botjan yIchu' Raise shields! (KCD)

Other words for electromagnetic fields and the like include:
        begh            "deflectors"
        HoSchem         "energy field"
        peQ chem        "magnetic field"
        Surchem         "force field"


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