tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 06 08:27:43 1996

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RE: greetings

>another with the word {Qapla'}.  It goes against TKD's assertion that
>the *only* greeting is {nuqneH}, but that commercial is generally accepted

Doesn't Dorn on CK say on the subject of greetings that (I'm not sure
I get it exactly right now) 'there _is_ only one..'

English is not my native language, but isn't this phrase also used to
emphasize that the following is regarded as a Classic, an Evergreen,
some sort of tradition. And that it _not_ rules out the existance
of other greetings?
You could take his words literally, but he's talking english, with
all sense of english idioms and styles of speech and english just
happens to be his native language too, so he'd know what it could

I, at least, always interpreted it this way.


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