tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 08 11:48:31 1996

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RE: greetings

ja' jejQIb:
>Doesn't Dorn on CK say on the subject of greetings that (I'm not sure
>I get it exactly right now) 'there _is_ only one..'
>English is not my native language, but isn't this phrase also used to
>emphasize that the following is regarded as a Classic, an Evergreen,
>some sort of tradition. And that it _not_ rules out the existance
>of other greetings?

nuqjatlh?  English *is* my native language, and "there is only one"
certainly sounds to me like it means that there are no others!

>You could take his words literally, but he's talking english, with
>all sense of english idioms and styles of speech and english just
>happens to be his native language too, so he'd know what it could
>I, at least, always interpreted it this way.

I suggest that you review the ideal of straightforwardness.  There
should be little, if any, room for interpretation.

"While a Klingon may be be inaccurate, he is *never* approximate!"
If he says there is only one, that's exactly what he means!  Though
it might turn out to be wrong, what it says is quite clear.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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