tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 04 19:03:00 1996

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RE: KLBC: Huch QaQ

December 03, 1996 12:38 PM, jatlh [email protected]:

> jatlh SuStel,bIlugh!!

Hmmm . . . please quote what it is I said when you reply.  I cannot possibly 
keep all of my messages straight in my head.  That's what quoting is for!  
(Otherwise, it'd just be wasted information.)

> Whats yIpol

{yIpol} means "keep!" or "keep it!"  It's a command.  Look up the word {pol}, 
and the verb prefix {yI-}.

> and is(or *do*?) jay' means intensely?

Not exactly.  It makes the entire sentence an invective.  In other words, put 
it at the end of a sentence when you're angry and want to show it!

> Only know I realized what's {{>:-) means(A Klingon face?).
> tlhIngan qab Da*draw*

You can use the word {ghItlh} here:  {tlhIngan qab DaghItlh}.

> How do I say "May you win in your battles?"(Or at least die with honor...)

There are lots of ways!  Here are a couple:

may'Daq bIQapjaj!
May you succeed in battle!

bISuvtaHvIS batlh bIHeghjaj!
May you die honorably while fighting.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96928.0

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