tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 02 16:32:36 1996

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Re: Embedded wh-questions

ghItlh Holtej:

> There's a question that's been gnawing at me for a while...
> Now, what I'm wondering is, how do we say, "who do you think the officer 
> hit?"
>  'Iv qIp yaS 'e' DaQub?
> This doesn't feel right to me.  It doesn't feel like we're questioning the 
> matrix clause here.  It feels more like "Who did the officer hit?  You 
> think that."  Other attempts by my mind to twist this into a more 
> reasonable form (semantically) fail syntactically.

I know that this avoids the issue but

"Who did the officer hit ?"

is essentially asking the same question as

"Who do you think the officer hit ?"

isn't it ? Hmmm. I guess you're being more specific about the "think" bit.
What about {-law'} ??

'Iv qIplaw' yaS ?

As another quick guess, I suppose you could use {-bogh} somehow and recast
it as "the person which you think the officer hit is who ?" but I haven't
got time now to come up with a working translation ... teatime beckons and
I've got to cook it ...

nI'jaj yInlIj, 'ej batlh bIHeghjaj.



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