tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 01 14:09:38 1996

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December 01, 1996 7:14 AM, jatlh loDDoq:

> SuStel jatlh,
> bISung naDev.
> SoHghaj batlh.bIQagh not.
> Did I just wrote what I wanted to?
> roj je Qapla' ,

Er, no.  But let's work on that!

You need to remember that Klingon sentences work in the order 
Object-Verb-Subject.  In English we say "The officer sees the child," but in 
Klingon we say {puq legh yaS}.

Locative nouns (with {-Daq} or {-vo}) go before the object noun.

Adverbials go before the object, of before any locative nouns.

Timestamps (adverbial referring to time) tend to come first in a phrase.

Please include English translations of what you meant until you become more 
certain of how to say things.


> SuStel jatlh,

"SuStel spoke" or "SuStel says" needs to be {jatlh SuStel}.

> bISung naDev.

Are you trying to say "You are a native here"?  {Sung} is a noun.  And {naDev} 
is a locative noun (a special case; it never uses {-Daq}).  I has to come 
first.  To say "You are a native here," say

naDev Sung SoH.

See TKD section 6.3 to see how I did this "to be" construction.

> SoHghaj batlh.bIQagh not.

I believe you're trying to say "You have honor.  You never make a mistake."  I 
wish it were true!

"You have honor" can be translated in LOTS of ways.  One of my favorites is

batlh bIvang.

You *almost* got "You never make a mistake" right.  The only problem is that 
the adverbial {not} has to come first.

not bIQagh.

> roj je Qapla' ,

"Peace and success."  Not a very Klingon thing to say, but no matter!

When talking about more than one noun, you use the conjunction {je}.  You have 
done this, but you have also misplaced it.  It always comes *after* the last 
noun in the list.  So, "Peace and success" is

roj Qapla' je.

Note however that the *sentence* conjunctions {'ej}, {qoj}, and {pagh} come 
*between* sentences.  This is different than the noun conjunctions.

qaStaHvIS jar law'qu' jabbI'IDghomvaD jIjeS.
'ach rut jIQagh.
puptaH pagh.
batlh tlhIngan Hol DaghojtaH.
tugh tlhIngan Hol DajatlhtaHvIS bIpo'.
not yIjegh!

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96919.6

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