tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 29 18:18:05 1996

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RE: Star Trek Klingon

Spread the news throughout the Empire!

Star Trek KLINGON is out and available!

I purchased my copy at Software Etc. (Los Angeles, CA $44.95). Although =
I'm sure some of the larger discount outlets may have it cheaper, I =
could not wait!

Have yet to try it out, but it looks goooood!

Well I did try it out.  Went through *all* of the "Immersion Studies" and about 50% of the
"Language Lab".

The Language Lab was one of the three CD set and INMHO it carries the product nearly

The Immersion Studies on two CDs was a disappointment.  Sure there were lots of Klingons but
the interactivity was a joke at best.  The 'story line' was weak and the 'studies' were really skimpy.
I guess it's about par for the course for Paramount.

Out of about a 2 hour interactive{qoq} CD I'd say there was about a dozen choices for the player
to make.  *None* of these resulted in a deviation in the plot but a simple rewind and retry of the
same choice.  If you want interesting interactivity in a CD go by Myst - infinitely better.

So back to the Language Lab - great job!  I'll be playing with it for some time to come.  The speech
recognition is pretty good.  Long phrases need to be spoken quickly though.  I'd love to see the entire
contents of TKD in that format, it would be great practice.

I hope they do a add-on product for the Language Lab but I'd like to suggest that they just drop
the Immersion Studies if they can't come up with something more creative and engaging.



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