tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 29 11:08:35 1996

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Re: KLBC: naDev jIH tu'lu'


>Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 10:00:07 -0700
>From: "Robyn Stewart" <[email protected]>

>DaH jISo'Ha'rup.

>qaSvIStaH tera' DIS wa'SanID Hutvatlh chorghmaH chorgh TKD vIje'.  'oH 
>vIlaDchu'.  muSey'moHtaH 'oH.  tlhIngan Hol lujatlh ghotpu' 'e' 
>vInejtaH.  Hol qab lujatlh ghotpu' 'e' vItu'pu'. tlhIngan Hol 
>luyajbe'law' chaH.  vItunglu'.  mu'ghom vIroQ.

HIja', qubba' tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI'pu', 'ej qubqu' tlhIngan Hol
jatlhchu'wI'pu'.  'ach wItu'lu'; maSaHbejtaH.

tlhIngan Hol vIghojchoHDI' je jIH jImob 'e' vIHar.  'ach *Qanqor* HoD (loD
pong 'oH mu'vam'e'; yImISchoHQo') vItu', 'ej tugh ghomvam vItu'.  wej chen
KLI, 'ach chenDI', 'oH vImuv.

moblaw' tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI'.  Do'Ha'.  "KLI tu'lu'" wImaqnIS! :)  'ej loQ
maQap, QIt maQap.  chaq "Hamlet" lungevchoH Paramount, 'ej pongmaj luQoy
ghotmey law' (HIja', ghotMEY).  chaq ghItlhchaj ghItlhmeH, DIboQ 'e'
luchaw' "Star Trek" qonwI', 'ej manoychoH.  chaq.  matullaH neH.

>I'd heard of the KLI, but thought it was a joke.  When I received 
>birthday greetings from the KLI, I replied briefly in rusty Klingon, 
>but a very busy Dr. Schoen answered back in English without 
>addressing my question.  My fears about the KLI were confirmed: 
>clearly no one, not even the director, spoke the language.  However, 
>I wrote back to Dr. Schoen, and he encouraged me. I renewed my 
>efforts to learn Klingon.  And here I am. 

HISlaH, naDev SoHbej... 'ej batlh bIpawta'!  yapbe'bej Lawrence poH;
Do'Ha'.  'ej wej tlhIngan Hol jatlhchu'.  'ach Dubbej; maDubbej Hoch.
qep'a' DajeS 'e' Danab'a'?  pa', maleghchuqtaHvIS tlhIngan Hol wIjatlhlaH!
Dunbej ghu'.  pa' qalegh 'e' vItulqu'; Hoch vIlegh 'e' vItul! (hear that,
folks who are not reading the Klingon?  I hope to see *all of you at the
qep'a', as many as possible!)

chaq MUSH DaSuch 'e' DatIv.  bI*telnet*laHchugh, "telnet 2218"
yIlo', 'ej pa' HISam.  pa', "Seqram" 'oH pongwIj'e'.  HIQum!

>*Robyn* 'oH pongwIj'e'.  <shining bright with fame> 'oS
><Robyn> 'e' muja' paq vIghajbogh.  *wovwI'* tupong 'e' vItul.  
>tugh lut vIghItlhbogh SalI'.

maj.  "Robyn" 'oH je SoSwI' pong'e'.

>I have two specific questions for the pabpo':

pabpo' jIH... taghwI'pu' pabpo' ghaH ghunchu'wI''e'.

>1. In Hamlet [lut 'ay' wa', lut 'ay'Hom wa', nav vagh--why no 
>line numbers?] appears the line <vIHbe' je ghew.>  What does "je" 
>mean in this context?  I expected <vIHbe' neH ghew>. 

Better switch into DIvI' Hol...

I'm also the editor of Hamlet... Let's see what I can answer with this.

"vIHbe' neH ghew" would sound like "A bug is merely not moving" (vIHbe'
ghew neH would be "only a bug isn't moving.")  Neither is quite right.
"je" is here being used as outlined in TKD 5.3, where it says that it means
"too, also" after a verb.  So "vIHbe' je ghew" is "A bug, too, isn't
moving" meaning that in addition to all the other things that are not
moving, even the bugs, they too, are still.

Work for you?

>2. How do I pronounce doubled stop consonants in Klingon?  When I say 
><juppu'> do I spit twice, spit once with added force, or pronounce as 
>if it were spelled <*jupu'>?  And worse, how do I tackle the double 
>glottal stop?  There are minimal pairs: <Duy'a'> ambassador and 
><Duy''a'> major defect. I have been "bouncing" on the vowel sound, 
>echoing it after each stop, so that <ro''e'> sounds like 
><*ro'o'e'> to distinguish it from <ro'e'>.

Hmm.  I recently posted that I don't pronounce doubled consonants as
doubled (like in English, we generally don't doubnle our consonants in
speech), but I've been listening to myself and it's not quite true.  I *do*
tend to pronounce double consonants as long consonants.  Sort of like the
"k" in "bookkeeper" is longer than the one in "bookie" or the "n" in
"penknife" is longer than the one in "penny."  Stranger still, I even
occasionally pronounce the affricates with two onsets, so "ghajjaj" sounds
like "ghaj jaj" with ALL the j's pronounced.  I'll have to listen to the
tapes some more to see if this makes sense.

I don't think that "bouncing" the vowel on doubled glottal stops sounds
right, though.  Not to me.  If anything, it's probably just a longger
stop.  Same goes for p, or even more so.  I'm also not sure the argument
about minimal pairs is much to worry about.  In English we don't
distinguisgh between long and short consonants for the most part and we
manage okay.  That doesn't mewan Klingon HAS to work that way, but it means
that it's possible for a language to get by.  And ambiguity was never
something Klingon really tried to avoid.  We have plenty of homophones
already, even things like "Daba'" for "he definitely behaves" and "you
watch it."

Check out the tapes, there are surely SOME examples, if perhaps not
complete ones.

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