tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 29 08:09:13 1996

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Re: {lab} vs. {lI'}

According to Robyn Stewart:
> I'm a newcomer, but I shall practice my Klingon virtues:
> I say the evidence on which these deductions are based is mere 
> coincidence and that the difference between {lab} and {lI'} is 
> precisely that between English {immigrate} (move (to a country)) 
> and {emigrate} (move (from a country)).  Both pairs can be used 
> almost interchangeably: "He emigrated to Canada" and "He immigrated 
> to Canada"  {De' lab yaS} and {De' lI' yaS}.  The only difference is 
> that one stresses that a place was left/transmitted from and the 
> other that a place was a destination.  

This is the most refreshing new twist I've ever read on this
topic. If indeed Kruge were addressing Valkris and not a member
of his own crew (which I still doubt), then this is the only
explanation so far that seems to make any sense. It still makes
more sense to me that he is addressing a member of his own
crew, but if Okrand told us that this line was addressed to
Valkris, this is the only explanation offered so far that would
explain the odd "to a place" and "from a place" references in
the definitions.

I'm not accepting this as correct, but I am accepting it as
possibly correct, and the first possibly correct alternative to
the long-standing upload/download interpretation of these

> wovwI'

batlh bIjatlhta'.

reH lugh charghwI' net Sov.

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