tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 19 21:58:08 1996

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Re: Honored Soldier

>  I was writing a story  in which I needed a Klingon ship.  I called the
>ship "quv Sub", which I translated as "Honored Soldier".  Is this
>grammatically correct?

This is not correct, for two reasons.  It seems to say "solid honor."

First, you misread the dictionary when you looked up "soldier".  What
you have written is the verb "be solid".  Second, a verb used with an
adjectival meaning *follows* the noun it modifies.

>  If not, how could I say "Honored Soldier".

Literally, {mang quv}.

>Further, if it is grammatically correct, but you feel it doesn't
>properly translate to "Honored Soldier", what does it translate to?

It seems to say "solid honor."

>        I'm truly a beginner, so please don't laugh too much at me.

taghwI'pu' vIvaqQo'.  rut mu'chajmo' vIHagh, 'ach not chaHmo' vIHagh.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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