tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 16 13:49:54 1996

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Re: KLI Merchant Page 'n' Klingon Way

ghItlh Lawerence:

>Retail price of this paperback is $5.99, and if there is 
>an interest in it we can easily make it available on the 
>Merchant Page (though I'll bump the price a penny to 
>make it an even $6.00).  I'm a bit ambivalent about it 
>though because I don't want to encourage credit card 
>orders for that small a purchase.  As many of you know, 
>we pay a percentage of the purchase to the company that 
>provides merchant status to us, allowing us to accept 
>your credit cards.  That percentage flucuates as a 
>function of the average purchase during a span of time; 
>think of it as a handling fee.  The lower the average 
>purchase, the greater the percentage of the handling 
>fee.  One of the cut-off points is $15, and since most 
>of what we offer costs that much or more we have so far 
>qualified for a charge of about five percent.  We're new 
>at this, and we're hoping we can make this whole charge 
>card thing work (and without adding in a lot of shipping 
>and handling charges). But if the average order drops 
>below $15 then the percentage soars up to about eight 
>percent.  Which is where my reluctance to carry $6
>paperbacks comes in.

I, for one, would not like to see this concern limit 
availability of materials.  I do not think this will be a 
problem, but if it does, you could institute a $15 
minimum for credit card purchases or a handling fee for 
smaller purchases.  I tend to order in batches (e.g. 
Hamlet and several back issues of HolQeD), and I suspect 
most others will also.


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