tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 16 12:53:37 1996

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Re: KLI Merchant Page 'n' Klingon Way

At 18:58 14-04-96 -0700, you wrote:

>Retail price of this paperback is $5.99, and if there is an interest in it we 
>can easily make it available on the Merchant Page (though I'll bump the
price a 
>penny to make it an even $6.00).  I'm a bit ambivalent about it though
because I
>don't want to encourage credit card orders for that small a purchase.  As many 
>of you know, we pay a percentage of the purchase to the company that provides 
>merchant status to us, allowing us to accept your credit cards.  That
>flucuates as a function of the average purchase during a span of time;
think of 
>it as a handling fee.  The lower the average purchase, the greater the 
>percentage of the handling fee.  One of the cut-off points is $15, and since 
>most of what we offer costs that much or more we have so far qualified for a 
>charge of about five percent.  We're new at this, and we're hoping we can make 
>this whole charge card thing work (and without adding in a lot of shipping and 
>handling charges). But if the average order drops below $15 then the
>soars up to about eight percent.  Which is where my reluctance to carry $6 
>paperbacks comes in.  

I can understand that, but I think you don't have to worry that much (until
you actually see that this is becoming the average amount). I say this
speaking just for myself: to me it seems only normal to order in as big a
batch as possible. That's why I didn't order the font-disk directy after
seeing it forgot to order it (because it was not on the merchant page yet
when I ordered my Hamlet). I'm waiting until I've seen my first HolQeD.
Then, after that I'll decide how badly I want the backorders (so if I'll
order them all at once, or in eights or in fours over a longer period of
time ;-)) and only then I'll be ordering the font disk as well. It only
sounds logical to me. I mean, you don't write out a cheque at your local
groceries shop after buying one matchbook, right?

>As I said though, we're still new at this, and we're learning as we go.  
>Certainly in the few weeks that we've had the Merchant Page up and running it 
>appears to have been quite successful, both in allowing foreign members to
>easily acquire memberships without the hassles of currency conversion, and
>allowing people to more easily purchase backissues of HolQeD, copies of
>and of course Hamlet.  My sincere thanks to Mark Shoulson and Jay Grizzard for 
>pushing me toward merchant status and making the Merchant Page happen.

I really like that page and the credit card status of KLI. It makes it *so*
much easier for foreign (for you ;-)) people to order anything from KLI.


          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
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     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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