tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 16 12:54:36 1996

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Re: Interesting constuct...

At 06:55 16-04-96 -0700, you wrote:

>> I hope Hochlogh and paghlogh become accepted.  Every single time and nary a
>> time.  I like it.
>{-logh} is a suffix specifically intended for use with number
>words. {pagh} is a number word, and while the meaning may be
>rather odd, {paghlogh} does look grammatically correct.
>{*Hochlogh} is not a word with our current understanding of the
>language, since {Hoch} is a noun and not a number word.

With paghlogh probably meaning something like "zero times" (according to
context something like "never", "not", or "don't", as in {paghlogh vIlegh} =
"I've never seen him" or {paghlogh yIqIp} = "Don't hit hem!", even though
{net} or {Qo'} would probably be much more natural in these cases) we are
then still left with the meaning for the following words:

paghDIch   = zeroth? ;-)
paghleS    = synonym for today?
paghHu'    = synonym for today as well?
paghben    = synonym for today? for this year?

Or would these be considered nonsense, even though actually grammatical? I


          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
      162:100/100.1@Agora, 74:3108/102.1@QuaZie, 27:2331/214.1@SigNet
     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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