tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 12 12:24:34 1996

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Re: your mail

According to Sa' qIQwI':
> 960412
> Whoever said:
> >>I am completely disappointed and lost. So what does then the true
> >>tlhIngan Hol has to do with Star Trek if it is not used there?
> I'll drink to him/her. A person with common sense.
> >Did you not read the message? *NAMES* don't always follow the rules. Other
> >stuff does. I assume you have never watched the show, as I'm sure you would
> >have noticed Worf's name. (You *do* know he's the Klingon, right?)
> Is the show relevant to the language? 

When Okrand was hired to write the lines for the third movie,
Klingon had never been spoken on the TV show. Okrand went back
to see most if not all of the old TV shows to note what the
Klingons said in English as an aid to develop the vocabulary,
so there has been communication from the TV show to Okrand, but
the TV series has never asked Okrand or the KLI to help them
with their show, so any tlhInganqoq spoken there is basically
an accident, either made up whole cloth with no reference to
Okrand, or sometimes they look up each word of an English
sentence in TKD and they mispronounce the words in English word
order. On rare occasions Gawron says something that is nearly
Klingon because the actor actually tries to get it right, which
is far more than anyone can say for Worf/Dorn.
> The Klingon Empire is a result of conquests one after another
> isn't it?  Perhaps the names that don't fit to tlhIngan Hol
> phonetics are from times when tlhIngan Hol wasn't spoken in
> that part of the universe. tlhIngan wo'Daq nuq bIH latlh Hol'e'?
> One practical question: How do Klingons spell the names
> that break the rules? pIqaD lo'DI' chay' <K> ghItlh tlhIngan?

The fallback position for Okrand is to explain that the current
Empiror's dialect is always the official dialect, so these
names may well have been assigned back when someone ELSE was
empiror and the dialect was different. They would not
necessarily change their name because of the current dialect.

Of course, this ignores that the TV show and movies both agree
that they have not had an empiror for a few centuries... but
maybe now that role has moved on to the head of the Klingon
High Council.

As for the spelling, Okrand addresses that in TKD, where he
shows that "Kruge" becomes {Qugh}, etc.

> Sa' qIQwI'


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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