tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 08 12:15:06 1996

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Alphabetical sorting

There is an easy way to sort all the words in a text according to
the Klingon alphabetical order, even with the DOS's SORT.

[You must only pay attention if you have a mixed English-Klingon text
which uses Eglish words with Q, -ng, and z].

1. Replace all <Q> with <Qz>
2. Replace all <tlh> with <tzlh>
3. Replace all <ng> with <nzg>
4. Replace all <nzgh> with <ngh>
        {for those rare cases where <-n> is followed by <gh->}
5. Replace all <'> with <z>.

Now save your file under a different name, say: my-file.asc (save in the
ASCII format)

Type the DOS's:  SORT < my-file.asc > my-file.sor

In the file my-file.sor reverse the operations above (in the same order!)

1. Replace all <Qz> with <Q>
2. Replace all <tzlh> with <tlh>
3. Replace all <nzg> with <ng>
5. Replace all <z> with <'>

(the above No. 4 isn't necessary any more)

and save the file. The index is ready.

The best way for that is to write 2 macro's for the word processor you
use (I use most often the ChiWriter from Horstmann Software, which
according to me exceeds WordPerfect and many other word processors,
even the Windows' ones - with many number of features it possesses
and the don't).

For indexing on EVERY Klingon word in a text the utility called:
Chidex from Horstmann Software - is indispensable. It works
wonderful even if you don't use ChiWriter (but I recommend it!)
Chidex may index EVERY single word (or exclude the words defined by you
as "boring") in any given alphabetical order (It can even sort
separately <Q> and <q>) - and all that automatically. It works
with the texts saved in ChiWriter format, but no problem to convert
ASCII text into CW text, say with a WordPerfect macro.

I have already a set of useful macros for ChiWriter
as well as for WordPerfect - to be used with the elaboration
of a Klingon text, and I might send them to anybody interested.

I am doing the publicity for Horstmann Software because they don't
do any publicity on their own, and their products are worthwhile.
I have been using different versions of ChiWriter for the last seven
years, having used Word Perfect, Word, AmiPro and other in the meantime
and I am still very satisfied with it.
Check yourself:

        Horstmann Software Designe Corporation,
        1035 S. Saratoga/Sunnyvale Road Suite 5A,
        P.O.Box 1807 San Jose, CA 95019-1807, USA
        tel. (408) 366-1222, fax (408) 366-0822, e-mail: [email protected]

Excuse me all of you who don't like publicity (I do it for free!)


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