tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 06 05:12:51 1996

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charghwI' has a big mouth

My, did I feel sheepish after posting my, "That's okay. I don't
deserve a leather bound edition," message only to get home and
find my leather bound edition in my mailbox. After having
looked at it and reconsidered whether I deserve it or not, I
can only remark that you guys can have it back when you drag it
from my cold, dead, clutching fingers.

The regular edition is beautiful. For the ridiculously low,
excellent gift price of a mere $20, no self-respecting Klingon,
Trekker, collector or sensible human being should be without

But the LEATHER bound edition... Well...

It's BEAUTIFUL. It SMELLS beautiful. It LOOKS beautiful. After
I build my cabin (probably in time for qep'a' wejDIch), if I
have any money left over (probably will, but not certain), I
plan on ponying up another $500 to get ANOTHER one. I also have
several people I'm buying gift copies (of the regular edition)

Imagine red leather (a dark red/brown overall with all those
little crinkly lines in blood red, throughout) perfectly
shaped, contrasting the white pages. This isn't just a book. It
is the idealized form of what a book would theoretically be
like if it were perfect.

Do you realize how difficult it is to type while fondling a
book? I'm breathing Hamlet. I open it. I close it. I open it. I
close it. I smell it.

It's a book.

After all this time, it really is a book.


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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