tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 03 11:06:22 1996

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Re:KLBC Indians (Re: toughie)

>The word order would be {poS Hatlh Sungmey wa'DIch}, no {-lu'} involved.
>But I'm *very* uncomfortable with using "left" and "right" in this way
>because it requires everybody to use the same map in order to understand
>the meaning.  Why not just name the location?  The people called "Indians"
>are {"America" Sungmey wa'DIch}.  The people referred to as "aborigines"
>are {"Australia" Sungmey wa'DIch}.
I thought about translating America, which is Germanic for on the heather, 
(Am=on)+(erica=heather), but I don't think you have a Klingon word for heather.

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