tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 02 22:49:01 1996

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Re: Klingon mood music

Barrows/jI'qel asks:
>What kind of music would y'all suggest for setting a Klingon-type mood?

The incidental music heard during the opening scenes of Star Trek: The
Motion Picture where the K't'inga ships were zapped by V'ger is the
"canonical" Klingon theme music.  It showed up again in a later Trek
movie.  I'm not sure if there's a complete rendition of it available
anywhere, though.

The first "real work" that comes to mind is "Rite of Spring" by Igor
Stravinsky.  (Lately, it's better known from the "dawn of life/dying
dinosaurs" segment of Disney's "Fantasia".)
Relevant (?) trivia:  Its premiere performance in 1913 sparked a riot.

I think the theme from the first Batman movie would be pretty good.
(It's on the "score" from the movie -- not the "soundtrack", which
is full of irrelevant stuff by the "artist" then known as Prince.)

If you can find an instrumental version of the Hungarian Suicide Song,
that might be appropriate too. :-)

I agree with R'Hul's suggestion of "Carmina Burana" -- O Fortuna is
a powerfully written piece.  20 years ago, I sang in a chorus that
performed it (along with a full orchestra, of course).  It sometimes
can give me goose bumps when I hear it.
{maS DabejtaH Do'law'ghach'e'.  reH choHtaHmo' maS rurbej.}

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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