tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 02 06:40:24 1996

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Klingon CD-ROM!


  I'm currently attending the Computer Game Developers Conference here
  and I had a chance to stop by the booth of Duck Software...  This is
  the company that is producing the Klingon CD-ROM that's comming out.
  I had a chance to look around it and here's my thoughts...
  Mark Mandel (sp?) and Dragon Software get two VERY large thumbs up.
  Even in a loud expo hall, the speech recognition was GREAT.  It even
  gives you are PERCENTAGE of accuracy.  Very nice for practicing some
  phrases.  Unfortunately, there is no practice for simple phonemes, so
  you just have to get that from pronouncing the sentences...
  The software comes in two pieces.  There's an actual, full-featured
  episode (30 mins?) that has something to do with a death-ritual.  The
  cool thing about this is that you can change perspectives of
  characters.  You can see the story from a "wall" vantage point (normal
  camera) or from one of the Klingons (You actually see Gowron open
  your eyes as you die.. Like a WARRIOR!).  Very nice...
  The Language Lab seems fun.  No real games or anything, but a VERY
  nice interface.
  OH!  The CD actually comes in THREE pieces.  The third piece is
  a CD-ROM version of Power Klingon...  I don't know if all three
  pieces will be on seperate CD's or what, but I thought that
  was interesting...
  The only real big disappointment was that, as I was looking at the
  screens, the pIqaD was wrong.  I asked if they decided to do that
  for "artistic" things and the lady (Cheryl) said that she didn't
  KNOW that the pIqaD had sounds associated with the characters and
  that she wished she knew!
  How did we let THAT slip though?
  It was interesting... she said that, after this project, everyone in
  the office was speaking Klingon.  She was actually pretty good herself!
  I've gotta run back to the conference... Again... it looks like a VERY
  worthwhile product...

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