tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 30 09:00:39 1995

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On 29 Nov 95 at 18:31, Alan Anderson <[email protected]> wrote:

> SuStel writes:
> >Hear, hear!  I have not read the HolQeD article on -{ghach}, but it always
> >seemed to me to simply be an extension of meaning of nouns which are
> >*already* verbs.
> Ooooh, this idea appeals to me!  "{-ghach} *restores* the noun meaning
> when a suffix is used on a verb which has a noun counterpart. 

My understanding is that -ghach is used when you want to capture 
the essence of a verb as modified by a particular suffix 
in noun form. That is, in {naDHa'ghach} it is the specific way that 
-Ha' modifies {naD}that the noun is trying to capture. Therefore 
*any* little cheats like adding -taH or -neS to a verb just to make it a 
noun are incorrect and would probably confuse your average Klingon 
(IMHO). When a Klingon hears a construction using -ghach I would 
assume he would be listening closely for the verbal suffix that is being 
used to modify the verb, as this is the reason -ghach is being used. 
This would be why naked verb -ghach constructions would be so highly 
marked. The Klingon is all set to hear the verbal suffix, and doesn't get 
one. He's left in the lurch with no clue why this stupid human has 
made this construction. But, this is just my opinion. As I see it, 
overuse of -ghach has marked this suffix as a cheap trick. This is 
too bad, because when I saw {matlhtaHghachwIj} (from DS9 issue 30)
for instance, my first thought was that this was a lame attempt to 
make up for our lack of a noun meaning loyalty, not that perhaps it 
was the continuous nature of his layalty that the Klingon in question 
was refering to. See what I mean? -ghach has its place, but we can't 
have it both ways. Either we use it as a way of adding new nouns 
(sticking a suffix in that won't "change the meaning too much", just to 
fill the prerequisite), or we let each use of -ghach stand as a 
unique construct in and of itself, with each part being just as 
important as the others, and with no part being overlooked.

> -- ghunchu'wI'             

    "Had I not known that I was dead already, 
    I would have mourned the loss of my life"
              -Ota Dokan, Japanese poet
 (written while a knife protruded from his chest)

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