tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 29 20:00:15 1995

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Re: Colors? What colors?

>The fact that Klingons have no special words for some of the 
>colors that English does says nothing about their visual abilities.  
>Many human languages have a color system which is VERY similar to the 
>tlhingan system.  All known languages have at least 2 color words -- 
>something like black and white or dark and light.  If a language has 
>3 color words the third one is always red.  The fourth is green or 
>blue and the fifth is the other one.  Other languages may add even 
>more distinctions.  English BTW has the maximum number of unique 
>color words that have been recorded for any language -- 11!  (black, 
>white, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, brown, pink, grey)  
>The multitude of other color-words in English are dirrived from the 
>names of other objects and not concidered "unique."

One other oddity, is the apparent lack of support for the decimal point.


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