tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 29 18:38:27 1995

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Re: maH chaHbogh maHbe'

> charghwI' writes:
> >The Klingon mind wants to see something happen. What exactly is happening
> >in your sentence? What purpose or mission is being served? Where is honor?
> >Why would any Klingon bother with those three words? It is as bad as "taH
> >pagh taHbe'", which is the worst thing Okrand ever wrote.
> taghqIj writes:
> >Does this mean the Klingon mind has no capacity for extending itself?
> Just what would you have it extend itself to?  You have put together a
> very strange "sentence" here; where do you intend it to go?  What does
> it mean?  I don't want to know what its English translation is, I want
> to know what you mean by it.

Well, I didn't say it -to- you. I just said it as a sentence. I would not 
go up to someone and say <maH chaHbogh maHbe'> without provocation (for a 
start, they mightn't speak Klingon :)
 My original post was (and I quote) a test to see if what the sentence 
said was understandable. It was not a test to see if it was sensible, or 
if it was nice, safe canonesque Hol. I live on the edge.

> >The
> >original sentence in English, 'We are not who we are', was not
> >particularly nice, but that did not make it a bad sentence.
> "Not particularly nice" is an understatement!  Actually, I believe that
> "we are not who we are" IS a bad sentence.  It contradicts itself, thus
> it has no useful meaning.  I repeat my original question, but this time
> in English:  Why the $#@ would you want to write such a weird sentence?
> I can see no use for it.  Again, what does it mean?

There is no use for it in general conversation. So what? There is such a 
thing as art. Specifically, it is a translation from The X Files which 
would make little sense unless I explained the rest of the episode to 
you, which I'm not going to do.
 The point is that because it was not a standard 'I mean this' sentence, 
it added to the bizarre quality of the episode. I doubt I will ever have 
to say <maH chaHbogh maHbe'>. I don't care. I just wanted to translate 
it. That is how I learn languages.

> >I refuse to
> >believe that Klingons are so intellectually bankrupt as to disallow any
> >deviation from their established language. The language of the warrior
> >must be flexible. Combat situations are anything but staid. And if the
> >language must be used in odd or ugly ways to say unusual things, then so
> >be it.
> I don't see your point.  What deviations are you referring to?  Where
> is the inflexibility to which you allude?  Your sentence is certainly
> odd, and what you are trying to say is certainly unusual, but I still
> don't know what you MEAN by what you're trying to say.  You have lost
> the whole point of language: communication.  If the words come out so
> unusual as to be difficult to understand, then choose different words.

You understood that I meant to say 'We are not those who are us', and 
that's good enough for me. I didn't want to make a profound statement, I 
wanted to know if I'd said something right.

> >jIbelbe'. ngong tlhInganpu' chu'  ghItlhtaHvIS 'e' bochaw'qangHa'chugh,
> >Heghpu' Holvam. mu'tlheghmey motlhbe' vIghItlhmeH tera'ngan Hol
> >vIlo'nIS'a'? tera'ngan Hol lI' law' tlhIngan Hol lI' puS 'e' bochID'a'?
> Duyaj vay' DaneHchugh mu'tlheghmey motlh DaghItlhnIS.
> mu'tlhegh Dal DaghItlhnISbe'.  mu'tlhegh val DaghItlhlaH.
> mu'tlhegh 'IH DaghItlhlaH.  'ach mu'tlhegh taQ yIghItlhQo'.
> mu'tlheghlIj taQ vIyajlaHbe'chugh munuQ neH mu'tlheghvetlh.

mu'tlheghwIj DayajlaHpu'. "We are not who we are" vIjatlh vIneHpu' 'e' 
Dayajpu'. qatlh mu'tlheghvam vIjatlh vIneHpu' Dayajbe'pu' neH. 'ach potlhbe' 
meqwIj. potlh pabwIj'e'.

[that third sentence: I am not sure about the accepted usage of the 
questions as relative pronouns. I tried to say 'You merely did not 
understand why I wanted to write this sentence.']


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