tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 29 09:41:40 1995

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Klingon Questionnaire

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this Questionnaire.
Fill out the attached file using Netscape and when you are 
finished click the button in the end of the document and 
you will have me a great favour.
I am an English student from Sweden and to graduate I need to 
hand in an essay. I have desided to write about the Klingon language.
This survey is concentrated on you the Klingon speakers of the world.
So I would greatly appreciate it if you would fill it in.
Thank you in advance.
Stefan Annernas
Title: Klingon Questionnaire

Questionnaire regarding Klingon Speakers

The intention and purpose with this questionnaire is to try to establish what the differences and the similarities are between different Klingon speakers around the world. I am studying English in Sweden and for my Bachelors Degree I am required to hand in an essay. I have chosen to write my essay about the Klingon language and its speakers. This is my way of gaining information about you, the Klingon speaker, where ever you are. Since I am not a Klingon speaker myself yet I would appreciate all answers in English. The survey is divided into two parts. The first section is general information about you, gender, age, education and employment. The second section concentrates on your Klingon speaking knowledge.

Thank you in advance Stefan Annernas, Sweden

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. People on the Internet If on the Internet specify

Thank very much for taking the time for filling out this survey. If you have any questions and/or comments, please feel free to contact me Stefan Annernas

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