tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 29 05:43:00 1995

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qeylIS betleH

 uu> From: ur-valhalla!!caanders (Alan Anderson)
 uu> Subject: qeylIS betleH

 >Kor speaks one of those oddball dialects.  Recall that he called Dax
 >{wIj jup} in "Blood Oath."  Apparently, the Klingons in his area of the
 >Empire talk backwords.  <g>

 uu> Or maybe he and Curzon used a "pidjin" dialect.  Given Jadzia's
 uu> apparent lack of skill with the language -- "luke, uh jee chim ta la"
 uu> -- this might be a good way for us to deal with it.

That implies that almost *all* Klingons speak pidjin, though.  (I know,
I know, "It should be remembered that even though the rules say 'always;
and 'never,' when Klingon is actually spoken these rules are sometimes
broken."  Sometimes I think that everyday Hol bears as much resemblence
to the Hol of TKD as the ghetto English of the inner city resebles the
Queen's English!)

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