tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 24 20:03:49 1995

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Re: qeylIS betleH and stuff

>I guess I can give Paramount at least one-half a credit for putting
>one-half of their brain (tho that may be all they have) to the task of
>putting tlhIngan Hol in "Sword of Kahless".

...minus several thousand for doing it so badly.  They need to realize
that they can instead put one-twentieth of a brain in charge of getting
someone else who DOES understand tlhIngan Hol to do it -- for free!

>Whenever ST has any Klingons on it I put on the Closed Captions just in case
>they attempt soem tlhIngan Hol.

In this case, it seems to have worked; I didn't understand it until I
"saw" it.

>When Kor, Worf and Dax were facing thier villians Kor shouted out
>"MAH HIV DAH" before swinging thier swords.

That's a PERFECT translation of the words "we attack now."  It's so
perfect it makes me want to throw up.  Doesn't ANYBODY at Paramount
understand how much more we'd enjoy it if they got it RIGHT?

>No dought it is an *attempt* at tlhIngan Hol, tho not a very good one.

Actually, {maHIv.  DaH!} would be pretty good.  I'm sure that's not
what the actors thought they were saying, though.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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