tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 20 19:11:15 1995

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Re: Calendar Ideas

Joel Nagy said:

>Also what about the names of the Months in Klingon?

>I figure that years are probably done with year 1, being the year that
>either Kalesh was born or the year he became the Emperor of the Klingon >Empire.

>If we could gather enough info on the Klingon Calendar maybe we could make
   I'd like that, but we need to know the celestial mechanics, orbital
elements and so forth, before that can be done.

Qeygh said:

>Since the Mac supports custom calendars for various languages, one
>should be able to write a Klingon calendar addition so that all your
>dates are converted to Klingon.
     Yahbut, most calendar programs assume you want a calendar for planet
Earth.  I'd like to find a flexible one.

Rick Young said:
>Kahless died 1,547 years earlier (A.D. 822).
    It's good to have more exact data, but of course those are Earth years.

Alan Anderson said:
>I've considered using these Midwest-US-centric terms for seasons:
>{poH bIr, poH SuD, poH tuj, SorHeghHey poH}.

     I have seen non-canon documents that specify, for Klinzhai, a
344.14-day year divided into three seasons and 68.8 five-day weeks.  The
day specified is of 28 hours.  There were also terms for the three seasons
[poHpochlI', lopyInlI', poHyoblI'].

Alan also asks what we would use these names for.  I suggest, for starters,
the writing of Haiku, other forms of poetry and finally a novel.

Michiel Uitdehaag said a lot for which I give thanks.  He had many good
points in his note.


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